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Join Hyalo

For any health or social care service business providers to join the HyaloHealth service listings, please complete the following details as fully as possible.

Joining the HyaloHealth listing service is free of charge. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to email on

* An email confirmation will be sent to the applicant upon receipt and review of the below information.

e.g. Acupuncture, Dentist. It may be that your business covers different categories and therefore you may add multiple
Please break down the individual category into greater detail. E.g. if a dentist, what types of dentistry do you offer - general dentistry, implants, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics, endodontics etc
You may wish to limit this to your most commonly utilised services e.g. if a dentist then you may wish to provide details of a routine check-up, any investigation prices usually required such as x-rays, follow-up appointment prices, a hygienist review, an emergency appointment and any similar costs for children
Days and times including weekend days and times
(including listings of any relevant qualifications). Please state full names and their roles e.g. dentist, hygienist
Please list membership with any relevant regulatory bodies and professional organisations e.g. CQC (care quality commission), GMC (general medical council) etc.
e.g. Self-referral, GP-referral
Please provide details of parking facilities either on site or close to your service. Details about disabled parking facilities are also useful for clients please.

How this information is used

  • Your data will not be shared with third parties
  • You will only be contacted via the channels you have opted in to
  • Your data will only be stored for these purposes
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